I wish to discuss this article
on Fauci’s change of behaviour over time, but my take is less so about Fauci
specifically, and more about the active shutdown of a dissenting, but quite reasonable
approach to the handling of the pandemic, one opposed to locking down populations.
Before quoting important points from the article, a preamble:
Rather dramatic title aside, this is a quite readable article about the very
deliberate smear campaign on scientists that proposed alternative approaches
to harsh lockdowns. The signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD)
(site, twitter),
proposed what they called Focused Protection.
From the main GBD page, I quote here the credentials of the original signatories:
Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician,
and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease
outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.
Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise
in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician,
epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on
infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.
Readers can make up their own minds if these are people you would consider
unqualified to propose a view. Certainly, in stark contrast to the Mass Media Doomsday
Focused Protection is not saying do nothing and let the virus rip. It was
based on a simple observation based on available data that has remained consistent
to this day: The virus affects advanced age groups more severely. It is deadly to
this age group, not so much to the others, where the hospital system should cope
as per normal (let us note that for the ongoing years before the pandemic, VIC
Australia’s nurses have constantly been crying for help).
So instead of locking down society as a whole, we focus our attention on those
most affected.
Conceptually, this is not rocket science. There is literally nothing controversial
about this approach. It is about picking the low-hanging fruit.
But these scientists with very relevant experience have been labeled as “fringe”.
As a tangential point, most innovations happen at the fringes, not the mainstream.
The mainstream are followers, the fringes create.
The lockdown approach, of which I am in many ways a beneficiary — I have
gotten to spend time home, work has been accommodating —Thank God, nothing
else can be said — but more generally has been terrible for kids studying,
and for the overall quality of life for most people. I am capable of living as a
hermit (mostly!), but this is not how most people live.
We are at three shots of these vaccines, with 90+% of the population vaccinated in
VIC, and yet there seems to be no end to these draconian measures, they are put
in place, taken away, and put in place again. There is a constant looming fear
of them coming back each time they are taken away.
These measures have favoured those of us who can work from home, but have
decimated many other smaller businesses. They have truly favoured those of us
more privileged, objectively speaking.
At 90% of the population vaccinated, you can no longer, in all honesty, blame
those who refuse to take the vaccines for this mess. The numbers simply no longer
allow this view as being reasonable in any form whatsoever. I am double-vaccinated,
because of the need to travel, not because I actually want to be vaccinated by
experimental tech. I have never bothered with the flu shots, relying instead on
basic health measures such as eating well, exercising, breath control, and keeping
a spiritual-mental-emotional balance. Those who compare the flu shots to the
Covid shots seem to miss the point that flu shots are not mandated.
At this point in time, we may disagree on the efficacy of the vaccines, their
experimental nature, and so on, but all that aside, if you still do not see the
overall negative social impact of lockdowns, I am afraid you are in dangerous
Now, on to the quotes from the article and some related commentary, all emphasis
(indicated in bold text) is mine:
The document, on the one hand, said nothing controversial. The right way to
deal with this pandemic, it said, was to focus on those who could face severe
outcomes from disease — a very plain point and nothing new. There was
nothing to be gained by locking down the whole of society because of a pathogen
with such a huge differential in its demographic impact.
The virus does not affect all equally, therefore it does not make sense to
restrict all equally.
The hope of the Declaration was simply that journalists would pay attention
to a different point of view and a debate would begin on the unprecedented
experiment in lockdowns. Perhaps science could prevail, even in this climate.
Many journalists today goad governments to execute lockdowns and mandate this
and that by featuring doomsday prophets like MacIntyre and McClaws, to sell
their news and ads, but wow, they have screwed us over big time when it comes to
actual public health.
Mostly this declaration was intended as an educational effort. But the authors
were being called vicious names and treated like heretics that should be burned.
There certainly was no civil debate; quite the contrary.
It was all quite shocking given that the Declaration was a statement concerning
what almost everyone in these professional circles believed earlier in the year.
They were merely stating the consensus based on science and experience.
Nothing more. Even on March 2, 2020, 850 scientists signed a letter to the White
House warning against lockdowns, closures, and travel restrictions. It was
sponsored by Yale University. Today it reads nearly like a first draft of the
Great Barrington Declaration. Indeed on that same day, Fauci wrote to a Washington
Post reporter: “The epidemic will gradually decline and stop on its own without
a vaccine.”
Note the change in Fauci’s behaviour today. He is among those who
has actively stopped any further discourse on a matter affecting the world’s
Already by the summer, it was very clear that the lockdowns had not achieved
what they were supposed to achieve. Two weeks had stretched into many months,
and the data on cases and deaths were uncorrelated with the “mitigation measures”
that had been imposed on the country and the world. Meanwhile, millions had
missed cancer screenings, schools and churches had been shut, public health was
in a state of crisis, and small businesses and communities were fighting to stay
There is no way to argue against the last sentence, this is reality.
While in Jakarta, I have visited otherwise bustling shopping centres to
see hundreds of small shops (organised in rented-out lots) just closed. There’s
excessive fear such that most people are unwilling to visit hospitals to get
treatment, or are simply put on a lower priority if they are not Covid patients.
From near first-hand experience of a close family member, I know public hospitals
are incentivised through government funding to reclassify ailments as Covid cases.
They go as far as profit-sharing with the patients: if a patient signs a
declaration form admitting to being a Covid patient, then they get a sum of money,
and even more in the event of death. This is because these hospitals are paid
a certain sum of money for every Covid patient, support money from the government.
This in turn clearly messes up the Covid numbers. And I am willing to wager that
this practice is by no means unique to one or two countries. Practically, every
country having a similar economic and geopolitical profile will suffer from
the same problem. Speaking of numbers like death rates: why is there
no control group for these, for example, why not also compare these to endemics
such as influenza? And how is it that influenza has been so deemphasised during
this period. Did the influenza virii decide to take a holiday?
In the interim, we have gone on to fire nurses who refuse to be vaccinated
because they are aware of what goes on in the field. Then we complain that the
health system is overloaded.
Recently, our Illustrious Leaders (sarcasm) decided to make VIC
a hub of mRNA tech,
specifically Moderna’s vision of mRNA — you would think that in this crisis, we
would rather deploy spending to boosting (a much better use of the word here)
our health system’s capacity.
Moving on.
The author of the initial email is Francis Collins, director of the National
Institutes of Health. The recipients were Anthony Fauci and H. Clifford Lane,
NIAID Deputy Director for Clinical Research and Special Projects. The email calls
for a “published take down” of the GBD that is both “quick and devastating.”
See the article for the email itself, in full-battle mode. No room for discussion
or debate, kill all of it.
The next day, Fauci struck again with an article from the pro-lockdown leftist
newspaper The Nation. It’s a demoralizing reference simply because the public was
led to believe that between his endless TV interviews, Fauci was scouring
“the science” to find out more about SARS-CoV-2, not googling and landing on
highly politicized and ideological webzines. What we find in these emails are
highly political people who are obsessed not with science but with messaging
and popular influences on the public mind.
THE SCIENCE, how I loathe this politician-hackneyed phrase.
What do we learn from these emails? The attacks on tens of thousands of medical
professionals and scientists were indeed encouraged from the top. The basis for
the attacks were not scientific articles. They were heavily political popular
pieces. This adds serious weight to the impression we all had at the time, which
was that this was not really about science but about something far more insidious.
And further down:
For that matter, Anthony Fauci himself warned against lockdowns in January and
February, favoring instead normal methods of mitigation.
What changed? Further into the pandemic, more is learned about the disease, more
systems are in place to handle extreme cases of illness… all in all, we should
get less panicked with time, not more.
I will end with the article’s ending words:
This war on dissent against lockdowns is not only a scandal of our times.
The lockdowns and now the mandates have fundamentally transformed society and
its relationship to government, technology, media, and much more. The emergency
continues. Protests have arisen the world over but they are hardly even covered
by the media. We seem ever more to be on the precipice of total disaster, one
that will be difficult to reverse. It is urgent that we know who did this, as
well as how and why, and take steps to stop it before more damage is done and
then becomes permanent.
Today I came across https://www.archives.gov/.../influenza.../records-list.html from
a twitter contact: Please note this is a .gov
domain — an official US Government
site. Unless it has been hacked, it is legitimate.
On the page, search for:
“Directive from Washington, D.C., regarding treatment and procedures. September 26, 1918,
Naval Districts and Shore Establishments.”
No direct link to the artifact, sadly.
I have included the image at the end of this post, but by all means, verify.
So this was a scary period, no doubt. Medicine and healthcare were not nearly
as advanced. But observe the language: Calm, measured, taking natural immunity
into account.
Here are some quotes from it:
Protect yourself from infection, keep well, and do not get hysterical over the epidemic.
You can do much to lessen the danger to yourself by keeping in good physical condition.
Nearly each time I have gotten sick, it has started by just not getting enough sleep.
Eat simple, nourishing food and drink plenty of water. Avoid constipation.
Because constipation slows down the release of toxins from the body quite
A day in bed at the very beginning may also save you from serious consequences later on.
These remain true as ever; sleep, exercise, and diet go a long way towards
keeping and improving health. At times, I have found it beneficial to just
force myself, no matter how sick, to move a bit. Certainly, measure your
own ability on how much to move.
And the best one:
Fight the disease rationally and do not become unduly alarmed.
It is a far cry from the fearmongering we see in this pandemic.
I am not saying the disease is not real, but the fearmongering far outweighs what
the disease is capable of. Additionally, virii are creatures existing possibly
from the start of time. Just like us, they evolve and adapt (read: mutate into
variants), and everything remains in balance.
If the doomsday epidemiologists had been right, we would have bodies dropping in
the street by now.
Wake up. Please.

At its core, this post is about two things:
- My road to recovery from getting, apparently, Covid-19.
- My spiritual attitude towards it all.
For both cases, I hope to share tips and ideas and observations.
Much as I tried, I could not write about point (1) without talking about point
(2). They are inseparable to me.
I write this:
- To remind myself of the love provided to me by my parents, my teachers, my
family, direct and extended.
- So that it might prove useful to some. Perhaps even kindle a stronger spirit
in this pandemic.
I hesitated writing this for some weeks now, but it feels like I must, albeit
with a few very strong disclaimers, not because I don’t believe in what I have
to say, but because I have a life with more important things to do.
I also have to fully accept that some of those who I know well, on seeing this
side of me, may distance themselves from me (“Geez, who knew he was such a
spiritual nut!“, “Oh.. I suspected it, but whoa…”). This would be the saddest
impact of this post, however, during these times, we need clarity on who we
really are at our core, that is our source of strength. We must connect
strongly with our values, and the Source of those values.
Some might want to argue with me about my beliefs, their veracity, and
validity. I have neither the taste, nor the intellect for such arguments.
Accept or reject my ideas, it does not matter to me.
- I am not a doctor, or a medical practitioner of any sort. Take all this at
your own peril, and read this section well.
- I am not providing medical advice, merely sharing experiences.
- If any mention of God, of spirituality makes you sick, I’d rather you not
get sick further, so stop reading now. It is better we just go grab
coffee, far more productive (you are paying, though)!
- Three disclaimer points feel too short. Here’s a fourth filler point,
taking up space with no substance, the very definition of a filler. Thanks for
Deep Acknowledgements
Primarily, my Dad took the most care of me during this time, acting much more
diligently than even professional nurses might. I owe my speedy recovery to
him, to his love and care.
My Mom, while also being sick, thankfully with less severity, took care of me
The Founder of the Bandung Karate Club (BKC), Ytc Kang Iwa Rahadian Arsanata,
acted as my Spiritual Cornerstone, reminding me of who I am, to understand the
nature of dis-ease, of having one’s comprehension and resolve tested by God.
I deliberately kept quiet about my sickness among most of my teachers and
friends, but when they eventually heard of it, all energised me with their
words, while providing useful suggestions. Ytk Kang Ray, my second main
instructor after Ytk Kang Endar took the time to come to visit me and share
his findings about this disease, and inducing sneezing.
A central spiritual teaching is God, while Almighty, nevertheless works through
intermediaries or mediums, including humans, for example, our parents and our
teachers and our friends. But, only if there is a certain willingness and tendency
of the human being worked through. That is to say, while God Wills, this in no
way whatsoever diminishes the medium’s role — rather it enhances it.
This seems like such a slippery teaching that many do not get. I obtained this
through BKC’s Founder Kang Iwa.
Why use mediums? Well, why bother with the creations at all if they are not to
be made use of!
As to why bother creating at all? That’s a question to ask God directly. But
one might ask oneself the same thing. Why write? Why paint and draw? Why read
literature and poetry? Why work? Why create anything at all?
Getting Sick
Some time around late June to July 2021, I got sick:
- It started with a bad cold. My mistake was not sleeping enough when the cold
happened, and that further pushed down my immunity.
- It evolved into breathing difficulties, and general fatigue (I wasn’t able
to stand for very long before needing a break to rest). Interestingly, there
were no further colds or sneezing during this stage.
- Eventually got a positive PCR test for Covid-19 at a private hospital. This
was before any vaccination.
Overall, I felt pretty bad for a couple of weeks, but thankfully began to
recover in the third week. Felt better than before (I kid you not) in week 6 or
One teaching I adhere to is that at times, falling ill is simply God’s Will, it
forces us to slow down, to evaluate behaviour, to rest up.
However, regardless of God’s Will, it is prudent to always also evaluate one’s
behaviour. Far more difficulties in life are linked to human behaviour than
anything God Wills.
The Effect of Psychology On Immunity
When I got my test results, I was already having trouble breathing, things were
in full effect really, and at the hospital, my Dad asked the doctor if I could
be given oxygen. Doctor says, based on my oxymeter reading of 90%, they had to
prioritise the oxygen for other patients, that I was not sick enough to receive
oxygen. Awesome. I think.
However, I have a pretty strong rebellious nature when it comes to most medical
practitioners (I can count good doctors I have met with fingers in one hand),
and generally anyone who tries to push my spirits down, so this statement
rather ignited a stronger fire to get well soon.
I attribute this fire to my Karate training at the BKC. While I am certain
there are innate factors that make me this way, these have been kindled and
trained at the BKC.
Our mental state is important, because let’s consider basic Human Psychology
and Immune Systems 101:
Any decent medical practitioner knows that patients need to be kept in good
spirits, as that helps with the immune system. They are aware that medicines
work with the body to heal.
With Covid, it has been the complete opposite. It’s as if the entire system
has been set-up to fearmonger. The impact of such deliberate fearmongering on
the psyche is hard to measure, but extremely real.
It’s utterly crazy that all mention of a good rest, a healthy diet, exercise,
anything to naturally boost the immune system has been deemphasised to being
practically non-existent in discussions.
First we had masks, then the vaccines came, and masks became a non-alternative.
Nothing is clear or consistent in the communications about this disease.
Medication Approach: Diagnosis, Medicines, Diet
After getting my positive test (how twisted the word ‘positive’ is here), the
doctor in charge simply gave us a Covid Pack of standard medication. There was
no personalised treatment. It included around 5 or 6 tablets. Most were
vitamins, but two in particular bugged me:
- An anti-viral drug. Interesting, so if this drug existed, why not make
people aware of it? And if it does not work all that well, then why bother with
the risk of side effects?
- Antibiotics. With no personalised treatment, there were no guidelines on how
long the antibiotics should be taken for, should they be replenished, etc. No
thanks, stupid as I am, I have still heard of the superbugs! (And if you don’t
believe that theory, then you can also disbelieve the evolutionary ability of
creatures to adapt.)
So, I really could not get myself to take either, for better or for worse.
I believe rather strongly, having experienced this many times in prior
circumstances, that you are your own best diagnostic tool, that you can learn
to read your body and mind better than any doctor in a vast majority of cases.
Some things may be beyond you, or they may just require you to get help,
because getting help will widen your perspective, your friends, etc. Even if
you do rely on doctors, it’s still important to understand exactly what is on
But this Covid situation is messy, so this self-awareness skill is what I went
back to. I looked into my state symptom by symptom:
- Coughs: Figure out cough medicine. Dry or phlegmy? Okay, somewhat dry,
need to get the phlegm out, a proxy to get junk out of your body. Asked Dad to
describe these symptoms at the pharmacy, they suggested a medicine branded
Lasal, with Salbutamol, which from reading also helps with asthma, ya know, a
very common disease associated with breathing difficulty. Next, the medical
pack also had antibiotics — went with honey. It may not be the strongest
antibiotic agent, but it’s the safest I can think of and has a bunch of other
health benefits.
- Constipation: Yoghurt, plenty of it. But I didn’t have enough I think,
should have been more aggressive with this.
- Immunity Boosting: Vitamin C, Lemon Juice (with honey, yum!). Fruits and
vegetables in general.
I had a total loss of appetite, my Dad forced me on a diet of:
- Lightly boiled eggs.
- Apples, oranges, and pears.
Repeated a few times a day, often annoying me by waking me up in the middle of
the night to eat too. It was not fun during those 2-3 intensive days.
I did not think of, say, oats with honey at the time, but it would have been a
great addition that is easy to digest, healthy, and helpful with bowels, too.
We also got dextrose powder (a product called Gluco-VD, that has been
around for ages, sourced from grapes), to mix with water, as a convenient way
of boosting my strength while taking in liquids, a way to fight the fatigue.
Finally, I also had more regular food as my appetite returned.
My recovery accelerated once I managed to get better bowel movement. This,
interestingly, happened after having some spicy seafood tom yum, the famous
Thai dish rich in proteins, herbs, and spices, many of which have medicinal
Tom yum’s ingredients are also very much invigorating, forcing you to break
sweat. This was another interesting thing I noticed, I did not sweat much at
all, despite the hot Jakarta weather, so the sweat glands may also be affected
by this disease. Bowel movement, sweating, these are all exit points for
impurities in the body.
When I started to recover, I was itching all over, it turns out, I began to
sweat slowly, and the skin pores had been blocked for some time, causing the
itching sensation.
I also began to sneeze, yet another way to expel impurities from the lungs.
Below are some specific treatments.
Steam Therapy
A most useful therapy to help with clearing the respiratory system, suggested
by Ytc Kang Iwa is as follows:
- Boil some water and pour it into a bucket.
- Put some Cajeput Oil (or a similar oil that is safe to inhale) drops in the
steaming water.
- Breathe in the steam through both your nose and mouth, covering your face and
head enough over the bucket so the steam is focused to your face.
- Keep doing this until your face is sweating. Wipe your face when done.
- Add some cool water to the bucket so the temperature of the water is not too
hot, then immerse your hands in this tolerably hot water for a few minutes.
- Next, immerse your feet for a few minutes.
It’s certainly quite difficult to breathe in while you are having asthma-like
symptoms. And I was having to go to the washbasin to cough out phlegm every few
seconds, as the steam induced expulsion.
But this becomes a gauge, to see how far you have recovered, how clear your
lungs are. When healthy, you hardly cough at all when inhaling this minty
I did this therapy every 2 to 3 days, but doing it more frequently, say twice a
day, would have been more beneficial.
Ytk Kang Ray had a less gentle approach: using tissue (I found cotton buds
more practical) dipped in some Cajeput Oil, then gently swab the nostrils, just
high enough where it gets sensitive (be careful!), and inhale. This induces
sneezing, do this 2-3 times in a session, the sneezing will reduce in that period
interestingly. Certainly take basic hygiene measures, like doing this in the
bathroom, and disposing of the buds appropriately.
This is an update (13th April 2022): I just thought of this, to assist with the
lack of exercise (and thus sweating) due to general weakness and fatigue: sunbathing
at the appropriate morning hours (around 10 AM or so) to help induce sweating
is a great way to remove waste through the skin, when one can’t easily
Black Cumin Seed Oil
Another thing that a friend suggested was black cumin seed oil. These come in
capsule form, for general immunity and helping with the cough. They are better
known by their Arabic name Habbatus Sauda. For me, there was benefit, but
nothing dramatic, on the other hand, with a friend’s wife, her cough went away
quite quickly. So it would depend on the cough type, likely.
Blockage of Waste Exit Points
Observing what I went through, it’s as if the disease blocked viral exit points
from the body:
- Breathing difficulties, blocks expulsion of waste through the respiratory
- Constipation/Lack of Bowel Movement, blocks expulsion of waste through the
digestive tract.
- Weakness, and lethargy, blocks expulsion of waste through the skin, through
Divine Guidance
Where did all this self-awareness come from? There are a couple of ways of
looking at intuition, and both ways are equally true:
- That intuition is a unconscious or subconscious culmination of all
experience and knowledge coming together in complete harmony.
- That it is of Divine origin.
For those with a spiritual bent, ALL is of Divine origin, so to me, it does not
really matter.
Humans, in our arrogance and ignorance, think we are on our own, that God does
not speak to us, and therefore God does not exist.
Perhaps, we are not yet evolved enough to be able to hear God speak, but let’s
consider this:
If you heard a voice talk to you, would you not be afraid? Would you not
question your sanity? And then there are mental diseases where people hear
voices. So perhaps this is not the best medium of communication that God has
for the vast majority of people?
Is it not better that Divine Guidance come through signs, through blessings in
daily life: finding the right medicine in the case of the tom yum, having the
will to remain strong, of having good friends and family, and eventually,
hearing and feeling said Guidance through your heart.
Perhaps, later we can hear things more clearly. But primarily, God is a BEING.
Ending Thoughts
Were I to exclude my spiritual views from this post, then I would be an
ingrate. By including them, I have exposed myself to ridicule and perhaps, loss
of friends, and the risk that the more directly logical parts of the post are
Sadly, these are the times we live in, where if you believe in Divinity, then
you are essentially unenlightened. Irony majeure.
I would hope most of my thought processes are logical. Common knowledge
applicable to most diseases.
Yet, the fear of the virus is so extreme. Our responses have been draconian,
locking down entire countries, segregating people into classes: the illuminated
vaxxed vs. the stupid, dirty unvaxxed. We have also overloaded the healthcare
system such that people with existing, non-Covid diseases have had trouble
getting care. In many countries, public hospitals have been incentivised to
deny non-Covid care, because the government pays them to handle Covid patients.
The other alternative I had was to simply not share this. But, this is one small
measure that I can take during these crazy times, with the intent that it might
help someone.
May God bless us all. Sallam as we in the BKC say.
I write this primarily for my friends and family in India, in particular,
for those who have at least some inkling of belief in God. In the last week,
I have lost an aunt and a cousin, supposedly due to this virus we call
I know nothing of COVID-19. It may or may not exist. It may or may not be
deadly. I am but an ignorant fool with little to no medical knowledge.
But ignorant fools tend to view the world with simple, not necessarily
simplistic, eyes. And this ignorant fool has had the immeasurable blessing
of studying in the BKC, a school where one
is taught the art of life and living, for just under three decades now. It is
these teachings, not the random words of an ignorant fool, that I wish to
share. All blessings are due to the BKC, all mistakes are due to my
imperfections (I did say I am an ignorant fool, after all). This is not a
promotion of the BKC, but the BKC is the undeniable source of what I am
about to share.
Here we go, please hear me out, my family in India, a major birthplace of
spirituality, whose people seem to have lost their way in the noise of the
politicisation of COVID-19.
No matter what, NO MATTER WHAT, the Will of God, our Supreme Creator, the
ONE with Uncountable Names in Uncountable Traditions and Religions is ALL
that matters. If God Wills it, then it will happen. All destiny, all karma,
remains subservient to this Will.
Wear your masks, take your medicines, take your vaccines, do whatever
recommendations well-meaning humans have provided, for they care, for God’s
Will works through various media, but never, ever forget point 1. Submit
only to that Divine Will, and nothing else.
In truth, COVID-19 is a test of faith in its most practical, real sense.
No theory. You must learn to believe in God’s Will. Choose. Believe. Choose
to Believe.
Believe yourself to be a creation of the Perfect One. Have confidence in
yourself, KNOW that your body is MUCH stronger than any doctor, any
virologist makes it out to be. How can you claim to be a creation of the
Supreme God and yet be so weak-willed?
For your own mental and physical well-being, stop, STOP wildly consuming
the news. In a few days, you will feel way better. News today does not seek
to inform you, it seeks to sell advertisements. That is all there is to it.
All else is packaging and rhetoric. News is not just TV, it’s Whatsapp
groups, and statuses, Facebook statuses, clichéd, idiotic shares from petty
people who have nothing better to do with their time.
The mind leads the body. But after a point, they start affecting each
other. So take care of both: News seeks to weaken your mind, and then your
body follows. Then the body’s weakness further convinces the mind that you
are indeed weak. The true health professional knows very well to keep
patients in good spirits. Because their immune system depends on it. Such
nastiness today, that instead you are injected with fear.
Stop believing politicians. Any politician, it does not matter, they care
only for votes, only for power, only for what will keep them in power.
NOTHING ELSE. All kindness is meant to support only themselves. Means to an
end. Waste no time arguing about politics. They are nearly all shitbags who
have long lost any empathy for their fellow creatures.
Stop idiotic family fueds. You have seen death and havoc, your petty,
moronic, small-minded fueds have no meaning now. Time to focus on bigger
See point 1.
How is it that India, the Land of Spirituality, of the Science of Divine
Union (Yoga), has reached this state?
Stand up, already. It is time.
Sallam, Divine Blessings to All Creation
Kamal V. Advani, BKC
Jakarta, May 11, the 21st Year
Posting ini saya buat sejujurnya, dan sebenarnya, dan karena rasa kesal
karena usaha melalui jalur resmi tidak membawa hasil, bahkan tidak
dianggap. Saya memiliki semua bukti, semua screenshot dari HP.
Semoga cerita nyata ini menjadi peringatan bagi saudara, kerabat, maupun
khalayak umum untuk sangat berhati-hati memberi barang di platform (peron,
serambi) Akulaku, karena disaat bermasalah, tidak akan dibantu.
Pada titik ini, sudah jenuh untuk mengurus ini untuk diri sendiri, tapi paling
tidak, hati saya lega saat sudah memberikan peringatan akan perilaku busuk
Akulaku dan toko bernama Sinar Abadi (mengaku di Jakarta Barat, tapi
hanya Tuhan Maha Mengetahui) atau oknumnya, sama saja bagi saya.
Ada beberapa opsi lagi, sebetulnya:
- Ke kantor Akulaku langsung, di Jakarta.
- Melaporkan kasus ini ke BPKN
Tapi, terus terang saja, dan tentu ini yang diharapkan juga Akulaku maupun
para toko penipu, saya lebih menghargai Waktu saya, daripada mengejar kebodohan
Posting ini adalah Jalan Tengah, antara kesal ingin menindaklanjuti para penipu
ini, dengan menghargai prioritas Waktu pribadi.
Tentang Akulaku
Akulaku adalah platform e-commerce di Indonesia
yang mempermudah sistem cicilan untuk pembelian barang-barang eceran, dengan
syarat bunga yang cukup besar, sistem mikrocredit (tapi makrobunga!).
Akulaku sendiri sepertinya hanya menjual beberapa jasa seperti membayar
listrik, tapi secara umum, dia adalah platform untuk penjual-penjual lain
membuka toko online, seperti halnya Bukalapak, atau Tokopedia.
Akulaku yang mengatur sistem pembayaran, berikut sistem cicilan, tapi
pengadaan barang dari toko-toko pedagang individu di platform ini.
Akulaku mengaku di situsnya:
PT PID dan PT AFI telah terdaftar dan diawasi oleh OJK.
Sayang sekali, ini sepertinya sekedar slogan, karena perilakunya lebih parah
dari Pedagang Kaki Lima di Pasar Malam yang hilang esok harinya. Tidak ada efek
sama sekali pendaftaran ini.
Satu lagi jeleknya Akulaku, dia adalah mobile-only, tidak seperti platform
e-commerce lainnya, yang selalu ada fasilitas website. Paling-paling hanya ada:
Berarti, kita sangat terbatas memberikan feedback, mengumpulkan dan
melampirkan bukti, karena tergantung fasilitas terbatas di aplikasinya.
Walau dia ada email resmi cs.id@akulaku.com tapi hanya dapat
auto-reply agar menggunakan aplikasi HP untuk melaporkan masalah.
Pengalaman Pembelian HP Dengan Toko Penipu di Akulaku
Ini adalah cerita pengalaman, yang membuka mata, bahwa masih begitu kurangnya
profesionalisme di dunia e-commerce Indonesia tercinta.
Saya, lewat saudara saya, memesan HP baru, Vivo Y12, RAM 3GB, Storage 64 GB,
pada toko bernama Sinar Abadi di platform Akulaku. Toko bernama
indah, tapi lebih cocok dinamakan Sinar Redup Remang-Remang karena
Dia mengaku mengirim tanggal 30 November, 2020.
Setelah 7-8 hari, HP baru sampai.
Harga HP sekitar 1.8jt, dengan ongkos kirim 100,000 (100 Rb), harga total 1.9jt
lebih, dan tetap butuh 7 hari untuk sampai. Padahal toko mengaku di Jakarta
Barat, dan saya di Jakarta Utara.
Perhatikan, bahwa ini adalah harga cukup standar, bukan harga miring. Bahkan,
terasa, sih penjual ingin agar terlihat murah, tapi menambahkan untungnya di
ongkos kirim yang tidak wajar. Sayang, keganjilan seolah tak jujur ini saya abaikan.
Dan ini semua tanpa komunikasi yang memadai. Baik dari Akulaku, dari Sinar
Abadi, juga dari jasa kurir J&T, semua tidak bisa memberikan jawaban adanya
keterlambatan ini.
Nomor resi saat order, dengan saat barang sampai, beda total.
Barang Diterima Tak Sesuai Spesifikasi
Dan, paling parah, barang yang diterima salah:
- Barang Bekas, walau ada plastic diatas box, ternyata segel box telah
dilepas. Dan sangat jelas terlihat di casing HP tanda-tanda gores,
sebagaimana HP yang sering dipakai.
- HP sudah di setting dengan berbagai aplikasi, bukan dari set-up awal.
- Storage bukan 64GB, tapi 32GB. Ini saja sudah cukup untuk meminta
ganti, kalau Akulaku dan Sinar Abadi jujur.
Saya sudah bersusah payah membuat video unboxing sebagai bukti. Sudah mengirim
email, twitter, dll. Tidak digubris baik oleh Sinar Abadi ataupun Akulaku.
Ini adalah status keluhan saya pada Akulaku di twitter:
https://twitter.com/oxymoron1966/status/1336227127780200448 dengan nomer
Sebelum inipun, saudara saya, sudah begitu banyak menelepon Customer Service
Akulaku, juga berusaha berkomunikasi dengan pihak toko Sinar Abadi tadi.
Niat Penipuan
Kenapa saya sebut penipuan?
Jelas, barang tak sesuai, dan tidak ada keinginan dari pihak toko untuk
mengganti dengan yang sesuai.
Terus menerus sih oknum toko Sinar Abadi penjawab chat di Akulaku
mengatakan agar membaca ulang spesifikasi barang. Padahal jelas sekali dari
screenshot pemesanan spesifikasinya yang dipesan tidak sesuai yang dikirim.
Dari harga HP pun terus terang, bukanlah harga miring, dan sesuai harga
pasaran untuk spesifikasi yang dibeli.
Keterlambatan mengirim pun terasa sekali sebagai suatu kesengajaan pihak
Sinar Abadi karena telah berniat tidak baik.
Akhir Kata
Hanya mengulang peringatan diawal, agar berhati-hati menggunakan jasa yang
tidak profesional dari Akulaku.
Kenapa posting ini disebut Ajang Pelicin Penipu? Karena para toko
redup-remang yang berniat menipu, sangat mudah berkembang di platform
Akulaku yang sama sekali tidak membantu para pelanggannya. Padahal sumber
pendapatan dari para pelanggan sendiri.
Kami di Indonesia termasuk orang-orang yang begitu toleran, dan menerima, tapi
tetap ada batasannya.
Kita bandingkan dengan platform Amazon yang ada
prosedur jelas mengajukan pengembalian barang, tanpa pertanyaan, dan tak
dikenakan biaya pada pelanggan.
Gimana kah e-commerce Indonesia akan bisa berkembang jika penipuan begitu
Awas, waspada, bijaksanalah para saudara, kerabat, teman, dan pembaca.
Pesan khusus bagi Akulaku dan toko Sinar Abadi, tenang saja, Hukum Alam,
Hukum Karma senantiasa ada. Silahkan anda-anda berbahagia ria untuk saat ini,
menanti konsekuensi dari perilaku busuk anda.
Bagi saya, dengan ekonomi berkecukupan, yang saya terima hanya rasa kesal dan
marah, tapi terbayang bagi pelanggan yang memiliki keuangan terbatas, yang
mungkin sudah mengumpulkan uang seperlunya untuk kebutuhan tertentu, tapi
I’ve been experimenting with matplotlib recently, both
interactively in an ipython shell as well as non-interactively as
a chart image generator to be served through the web.
This post shares some tips that took some searching on how matplotlib
operates in different interaction contexts.
General Concept: Backends
has the concept of backends — essentially
the target canvas or surface it can render a figure to.
A backend implementation takes matplotlib
’s internal representations of
high-level drawing objects such as lines and axes and converts these to a
form suitable for that backend.
For example, an image backend — effectively what we use when we save a figure
to a file or stream — will know about different image formats, and how to
convert drawing objects into pixels in that format.
The key point here is that interactive and non-interactive modes require
a backend implementation suitable specifically to each of them.
The following ipython
sample session illustrates common backend API calls
which we will need in later sections:
In [1]: import matplotlib as mpl
In [2]: mpl.get_backend()
Out[2]: 'Qt5Agg'
In [3]:
In [3]: %matplotlib --list
Available matplotlib backends: ['tk', 'gtk', 'gtk3', 'wx', 'qt4', 'qt5', 'qt',
'osx', 'nbagg', 'notebook', 'agg', 'svg', 'pdf', 'ps', 'inline', 'ipympl',
In [7]: mpl.use('pdf')
In [8]: mpl.get_backend()
Out[8]: 'pdf'
Note that simply doing mpl.use('qt5')
fails. The suffix agg
needs to
be added in some cases — but obviously not all, as per the pdf
above (go figure) — like so:
It is not case-sensitive, so Qt5Agg
and qt5agg
work just the same. The
exception that shows actually lists the proper names:
ValueError: Unrecognized backend string 'gtk': valid strings are ['GTK3Agg',
'GTK3Cairo', 'MacOSX', 'nbAgg', 'Qt4Agg', 'Qt4Cairo', 'Qt5Agg', 'Qt5Cairo',
'TkAgg', 'TkCairo', 'WebAgg', 'WX', 'WXAgg', 'WXCairo', 'agg', 'cairo',
'pdf', 'pgf', 'ps', 'svg', 'template']
Furthermore, even though ipython
lists those various backends, it may
still fail on calling use(...)
, and require you to install additional
Basically, ipython
is aware of a bunch of possible backends, and
attempts to dynamically load the one requested by matplotlib.use(...)
Switching backends can happen prior to any plotting command, e.g.
In [61]: mpl.use('agg')
In [62]: plt.bar(x, y)
Out[62]: <BarContainer object of 25 artists>
In [63]: plt.show()
: UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI
backend, so cannot show the figure.
% get_backend())
In [64]: mpl.use('qt5agg')
In [66]: plt.bar(x, y)
Out[66]: <BarContainer object of 25 artists>
In [67]: plt.show()
Interactive Mode
In an interactive shell such as ipython
, we want an interactive backend
such as Qt5Agg
or TkAgg
in particular, was what worked for me on Mac with an
Anaconda distribution without installing anything further.
These are image renderer and viewer implementations with controls for
interactive use.
When exploring in interactive mode, I was confused why
was only taking effect once: calling show()
then closing the chart window, and calling show()
again does nothing.
Essentially, one needs to reissue a plotting command such as
or pyplot.plot(...)
to force a draw, and then call
Of course, simply starting afresh with a new figure also works, since a new
figure is a fresh draw.
Non-Interactive Mode
A common use case for non-interactive mode is to produce and serve graphics
over the web. The server code will run completely headless and not require
any GUI toolkits to be installed where it is deployed.
We will often get user inputs, plot the figure in-memory, then stream it
through, encoded as an image to be rendered on the browser, or saved to disk,
The correct backend to use for this is agg
Essentially, as part of bootstrapping our application, webapp or otherwise,
we need to run the following prior to any plotting API calls being made:
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('Agg') # case-insensitive
In most frameworks, such as Flask, this can be done in the
web module’s __init__.py
where we create the application object.
Of course, this configuration appropriately stops show()
from working,
issuing a UserWarning
In [61]: mpl.use('agg')
In [62]: plt.bar(x, y)
Out[62]: <BarContainer object of 25 artists>
In [63]: plt.show()
: UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI
backend, so cannot show the figure.
% get_backend())
Happy Hacking!